Thursday, October 29, 2015

Earn With Android

***Online Income By Android App***

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

WWE Wrestling Game for android : Wrestling Revolution

Download Best WWE Game From Here

Looking for WWE Wrestling Game for android? This is the best place for you. I am bringing to you WRESTLING REVOLUTION. This is the best WWE Game for Android I think. you can use any wwe superstar or create a superstar and move-set there. Don't wait,  Download Here

You can Download Wrestling Revolution 3D which has more and more different wrestling Action...

Wrestling Revolution Recent Changes

- New backgrounds from the prison game "Hard Time". 
 - New faces 
- including more female options. 
 - New costumes such as long shorts. 
- Improved wooden table. 
 - Improved lighting effects (less foggy). 
- It is now possible to walk with the crutch and other weapons have new taunts.

Updated: October 5, 2014
Size: 37.6 MB
Current Version: 1.750
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Content Rating on Google Play: Medium Maturity 

WWE Wrestling Game for android : Wrestling Revolution 3D

Looking for WWE Wrestling Game for android? This is the best place for you. I am bringing to you WRESTLING REVOLUTION 3D. This is one of the best WWE Game for Android I think. It is the latest version of Wrestling   Evolution. If you have not download Wrestling Evolution, Click Here. Because you have missed an exciting games for your android.
You can use any hardcore weapon like ladder, chair, table, hammers. kendo Stick, Steel Step, Pins etc. You can train yourself there and fight.  DOWNLOAD it here.

You can use any lastest wwe superstar (up to date March 15, 2015) or create a superstar and your own move-set there.

There is a story mood there that makes the game much more exciting. You can enjoy the story, speech, actions like you see in RAW, Smack Down. So much exciting, Doesn't it?

DOWNLOAD Apk File from Here

Updated :March 14, 2015
Size: 31M
Current Version: 1.420
Requires Android: 2.2 and up

Google Play Link

Monday, March 16, 2015

QQ Player Apk

Download QQ Player apk
Fond of QQ Player for PC or Laptop?
Here is a good news to you. QQ实验室 brings QQ player for Android for your morebetter experince with android. It is one of the best video player application running on Android smartphones.It supports almost all the popular formats of videos including AVI, FLV, MP4, 3GP, MKV, MOV and many more.

In addition, QQ Player also supports SRT, SMI plug-in subtitle and MKV embedded subtitle, as well as multiple audio tracks switching. Its smart core technology auto detects video formats and makes it much easier for you to enjoy smoother, better quality videos with limited resources and smaller screen.



Saturday, March 14, 2015

OfficeSuit Pro For Android

Office Suit
OfficeSuite Pro is a complete office tool for Android. It allows users to see, edit and share any type of Word, Excel, or Power Point document. In short, it is the android version of microsoft office. d

OfficeSuite Pro is compatible with documents in the following formats: DOC, DOCX, DOCM, RTF, TXT, LOG, XLS, XLSX, CSV, XLSM, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PPTM, PPSM, PDF, EML, ZIP. Users will be able to open and edit file right from their phone. You will see more below.

The app can also be integrated and synced with different services on the cloud, such as Google Drive, DropBox, Box, SugarSync and SkyDrive. It will make it possible for users to save and work on documents from their phone to their home computers.

Moreover OfficeSuite is available in 56 languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Bengali, Bosnian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English US, Spanish, Spanish (Argentina), Spanish (Chile), Spanish (Columbia), Spanish (Mexico), Estonian, Persian, Finish, French, French Canada, Galician, Hindi, Croatian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Icelandic, Italian, Hebrew, Japanese, Javanese, Kazakh, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Albanian, Serbian, Sundanese, Swedish, Thai, Tagalog, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Chinese (Hong Kong), Chinese (Taiwan), Chinese (Mainland).

OfficeSuite Pro 7 is a complete office tool that offers various choices (even more of them can be found in the paid version) through a comfortable interface that is also adaptable to gesture controls. It is definitely one of the best ways to manage your documents wherever you are.
officesuit Pro

The world’s No. 1 mobile office today!
*Installed on over 100 million devices in more than 205 countries
*Over 40,000 registrations per day
*No. 1 app in Google Play Business category

File Formats Supported
*Text format – DOC, DOCX, DOCM, RTF, TXT, LOG
*Spreadsheet – XLS, XLSX, XLSM, CSV
*Presentation – PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PPTM, PPSM
*Other formats – PDF, EML, ZIP


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Facebook Lite Apk


Facebook Lite is relatively tiny for an app from a major social network, weighing in at only a quarter of a megabyte - a crucial stat if you live in a place that can only get 2G data access.The Android users with older or cheaper phones, and users in areas where it's hard to find a reliable data connection, that Facebook is intent on serving. To that end the company has published Facebook Lite. This smaller and most faster app is not available in the US, but American readers can download it via the Ziddu link HERE.
 The app is compatible with Android 2.2 and higher, which should cover more than 99% of Android devices at this point. There is one demonstrable advantage of Facebook Lite: it both alerts you to new Facebook messages and allows you to open them directly, without requiring the Facebook Messenger app. That alone might be enough reason for some users to switch.

Updated: February 2, 2015
Size: 286k
Current Version:
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Offered By: Facebook

Blogger App

Blogger Logo

Download Here
Blogspot or Blogger is a favorite place for the people who like wrting. But, before people could not use and write post from android for his blog. But now, blogger has released their official app. But, there is a problem in that app that it does not support and work perfectly for every android version. But the old version work perectly for every phone. I have searched it for a long time and found it after a lot of hard work. So, why are you waiting? Download and perform your magical writing skill from your android.

Download Here